Sanford Werfel Studios
Sanford Werfel Studios
Richard Teller ~ Artist
Richard Teller ~ Artist
Art That Motivates People to Help People
Art That Motivates People to Help People
Commissions ~ North Carolina

Black Mountain Home
80 Lake Eden Road
Black Mountain, NC 28711
Caring for Children
Showing Them the Way
Brooks-Howell Home
266 Merrimon Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801
Our Evergreen Grove
Expansion (2013)
Carolina Village
600 Carolina Village Road
Henderson, NC 28792-2889
Dogwood Tree of Life
Centerville Baptist Church
Route 6, Box 224
Lumberton, North Carolina 28358
Modern Giving Tree
Duke University Medical Center
Box 3961, D.U.M.C.
Durham, North Carolina 27710
Giving Tree
The Methodist Home, Inc.
3420 Shamrock Drive
Charlotte, North Carolina 28215
Wesley Wall for Honor and Memorials
Saint Joseph of the Pines
103 Gossman Drive
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Cross and Dove Tree of Life
Twin Lakes Center
3701 Wade Coble
Burlington, North Carolina 27215
Our Rainbow
(Expanded Twice)

Because We Love Them
(Second sculpture)